3-Day estate sale 2021

south of laguna park

sale description

 Items that were included in this sale:Antique Furniture, Artwork, Sterling Silver, Silverplate/Pewter, Glassware, Collectibles, Antique Stained Glass Windows, Kitchenware, Linens, Nice Women’s Clothing/Shoes/Purses, Outdoor/Patio Items, Xmas, Dog Kennel Items, Items in Outdoor Building and much more!  Fun sale!  


sterling silver in showcase area

Sterling silver grande baroque pattern (set)

silver-plate rogers bros renaissance (set)

items in showcase area

Abalone & Mother of Pearl Nativity, Lenox and Waterford Ornaments, Staffordshire England China, Alexis Kirk Earrings and As Is Belt Buckles, Alexis Kirk Gilt-Metal Egyptian-Style Bib Necklace Circa 1970 Designed for the Duchess of Windsor, Hattie Carnegie Belt Buckle, Sterling Chatelaine Pin and Earrings (Arrow-Like), Little Black Sambo Books, Mah Jongg, Safe with Combination, Stained Glass Windows, Willow Tree Nativity Set, Planters Jar and Antique Weather Vane.

items in Living/dining room area

silverplate & pewter in dining room area

items in bedrooms 1 & 2

items in kitchen

items in bedrooms 3 & 4

items in office/back porch

items in back building

items on patio & yard area